”One of the last great samurai who unyieldingly fights for ideals
and convictions. In our ’heavy industry’ there aren’t many like him.”

Ingmar Bergman

Jag är din krigare

Jag är din krigare

En ung grabb, Kim, får i uppdrag av en Indian att bli naturens beskyddare. Han avlägger ett löfte om att försvara naturen mot alla inkräktare. En liten rävunge blir hans kompanjon. Med pilbåge, kniv och sinnrika fällor tar han strid mot alla hot.

”Skimrande äventyr för alla ådrar”

”Stark och gripande”
/Sydsvenska Dagbladet

”Ett koncentrerat och konsekvent stridsrop för vildmarken – mot civilisationen. Ett naturens evangelium uttalat med ett eftertryck vi sällan sett och hört sedan Jarls egen Naturens Hämnd. 14-årige Robin Milldoff i huvudrollen är ett fynd. Per Källbergs foto ett bländverk och det omsorgsfulla ljudarbetet i Hollywood-klass.”

Jag-Ar-Din-Krigare-Frimarke ”Ett italienskt frimärke med huvudrolls-innehavaren Robin Milldoff ur filmen ”Jag är din krigare” har tryckts i tre miljoner exemplar. Filmbilden blev frimärke sedan Stefan Jarl tävlat med filmen på Giffoni Film Festival sommaren 1997. Där vann Robin Mildoff priset för bästa manliga huvudroll och Stefan Jarl fick pris för bästa regin. /Dagens Nyheter

Nature’s Warrior

A resistance film for children. A film that emphasizes that the sal-vation of the world lies in the wilderness. A young boy, Kim, is dubbed Nature’s Knight by an Indian. But while Viggo in Good People doesn’t want to grow up, Kim is not satisfied with that. He is Nature’s Warrior. He fights alone against a world that has completely lost contact with its origins.

”A beautiful and touching tale.”

”It´s best described as an adventure film for all ages, from nine years old on up – beautiful, thought provoking and exciting.”
/Dagens Nyheter

”This is exactly the kind of urgently needed, contemporary film that Swedish children and youth audiences, and even adult audiences for that matter, have long demanded. A film thattruly concerns itself with the present, and takes a stand, a film that urges consideration and resistance. Only an unrelenting rebel like Stefan Jarl would have been up to the task.”

Titel: Jag Är Din Krigare
(Nature’s Warrior)
Regi: Stefan Jarl
Foto: Per Källberg, Per Åke Dahlberg
Klipp: Anette Lykke Lundberg
Musik: Ulf Dageby
Medverkande: Robin Milldoff, Jan Malmsjö, Mikael Persbrandt, mfl.
Längd: 95 min
Premiär: 1997
Format: 35 mm, 1:1,66

Utmärkelser: 2:a pris; Green Film Festival, Teheran | Don Quijote-priset Fédération Internationale des Ciné-clubs | Giffoni, bästa regi och bästa manliga huvudroll | Guldbaggenominerad bästa foto | The Princes’ Award, UN

För fullständiga produktionsuppgifter se: Svensk Filmdatabas


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Article by Gunnar Rehlin, Variety

Second feature from acclaimed documaker Stefan Jar!, ”Nature’s Warrior” is a beautiful and moving talc of a young boy’s fight on behalf of nature. Despite some lapses in logic, this is as good an arthouse adventure film for older kids as could be imagined. In many ways, pie is a companion piece to Jarl’s 1983 docu ”Nature’s Revenge,” the difference here bcin!( that it’s a boy rather than nature itself who strikes back at those messing with the planet. Interna­tional exposure is deserved.
Kim (Robin Milldoff), 14, lives with his family in a small Swedish village, where he likes to spend his time outdoors. One day, in a vision. he sees an Indian warrior (Native American John Belinda). who tells the boy he is to be nature’s protector and, when he can hit the moon with his bow and arrow. will be able to talk with the animals.
Kim decides to stay in the forest and manages to elude his family and the police. He spends his time trying
to correct his fellow human beings’ . mistakes by picking up garbage, set­
ting trapped animals free, and so on. With his bow and arrow he attacks some Germans who are plundering birds’ nests ior eggs. He also befriends a small fox whose mother has been shot. But things turn more serious and violent when an eager young cop decides to act on his own. Dressed in combat gear and armed with a machine gun. he goes on the hunt ior Kim.
Sweden has not had a documaker to match Jarl since the days of the I great Arne Sucksdorff. Whether dealing with drug addicts or people living in the countryside. Jarl’s films have been both hard-hitting and lyrical with a finished feel reflecting the long time spent in post-production. This is not quite the case with ”Nature’s Warrior which was shot entirely on location over a troubled schedule in often bad weather. 11,is may explain some of the pie’s lapses in logic: Why for instance don’t the police go in force after the boy when he’s already proven himself dangerous by shooting a cop in the arm with his bow and arrow?
That aside the movie is likeable, especially for its realistic portrait of the boy’s life in the forest. Jarl used untrained animals. waited for them to behave in a way that suited the action, and then put the young thesp into the shot.
Story is told largely through images, with sparse use of dialogue. Lenser Per Källberg, a Jarl regular, has created beautiful, moody visuals that are underlined by fellow Jarl reg­ular Ulf Dageby’s atmospheric music. Pic is aimed at a young audience, but some of its violence (espe­cially that by adults against animals) could prove scary for tyke auds.

/Gunnar Rehlin, Variety

Review from IMDb

Stefan Jarl is one of Sweden’s most interesting personalities and ”Jag är din krigare” is as special as he is. What starts out as something of a naturemovie you’d recommend to kids, develops into a very scary and painful story about fanaticism and the evil done by man’s hand. Jarl is as pissed off as he always is and doesn’t portrait the grown-ups of this movie in a very sympathetic way. Kim is the hero, but even he towards the end starts to lose control. What kind of 14-yearold is so dedicated to saving the nature that he will stop at nothing? Not even killing other humans. Basically; don’t judge this movie too quickly. In the beginning it’s mostly natureromance and a cute story about a boy, his fox and his search for peace among the animals of the forest. But then the movie changes, you can’t say when, and you start getting chills down your spine because you realize things will go wrong. People will try to hurt Kim and he will probably try to hurt them back. Robin Milldoff is superb in the role of Kim, and this is really his movie. His stern face, that reflects Kim’s determination, tells even more about him than what he says. Jarl is frustrated, almost desperate, at the thought of what man is doing to Mother Nature. He wants you to open your eyes to what is going on around you. If this young boy can do it; why can’t you?”
/jenny ”batik_jenny” from Stockholm, Sweden [from imdb.com]